MG033 - RX-79[G]Ez-8 Gundam Ez8 In Stock Buy This Product Brand New, 1 in-stock $39.99 Description Includes Gundam Ez8 1/100 Shiro Amada figurine (sitting) 2 Beam Sabers Weapon Rack (referred to as Weapon Container) Manipulators Poseable Fists Open-Palm 100mm Machine Gun Beam Rifle Shield Rocket Launcher 1/100 Shiro Amada figurine (standing) 1/20 Shiro Amada figurine Kit Features & Gimmicks Articulation The head can swivel on a ball-and-socket joint. The torso can tilt frontwards/backwards in a very limited extent. The arms can... Swivel on a ball-and-socket joint. This also allows limited front/backward articulation. Raise horizontally. The upper arms can rotate. Both the elbow and knees are double-jointed. The manipulators can swivel on a ball-and-socket joint. The default poseable manipulators feature 3+1+1 articulation on each finger. The waist can rotate in a limited extent. Each of the individual pelvis joint can tilt back and forth. The upper thighs can swivel on a ball-and-socket pelvis joint, though the backwards articulation is very limited. Front and side skirt armors can flip up/swivel to avoid interference. The ankles can pivot/tilt in an extent. Weapons/Other Gimmicks The front panel can flip up to reveal the cockpit. The chest panels can flip down to reveal mechanical details. The hands are swappable. Any of the weapons can be wielded by the poseable hand parts. Beam Sabers can be removed from/store into the thigh units via parts swapping. The shield can be rearranged into offense mode. The 100mm Machine Gun's.... Stock can fold backwards/forwards. Foregrip can swivel forward. Ammo pack can be removed. Beam Rifle foregrip can swivel left and right. Weapon container can be mounted on the backpack via minor parts rearrangement. The Rocket Launcher can be separated into individual components to store inside the container. Extra Info Scale: 1/100 Grade: MG × ×