Jade Empire In Stock In-Store Pickup Only Buy This Product Game & Box Only, 1 in-stock $14.99 Extra Info Peripherals: Standard Controller, HDTV 480p, HDTV 720p, Xbox 360 Compatible Box Text: EPIC MARTIAL ARTS ADVENTUREThe Jade Empire has withstood countless attacks, but the greatest threats come from within. As a master of the martial arts, will you restore this ancient land to its former glory, or crush it beneath your heel?IMMERSIVE STORYLINE INSPIRED BY THE MYTHS AND LEGENDS OF ANCIENT CHINAREAL-TIME COMBAT WITH DOZENS OF FIGHTING STYLES THAT BLEND MARTIAL ARTS, WEAPONS, AND MAGICSPECTACULAR EFFECTS, LUSH ENVIRONMENTS, AND DETAILED CHARACTERSBattle supernatural enemiesExplore an ancient, mysterious worldExperience an epic storyline Region: United States of America (US) ItemNo: X11-20524 Genre: RPG Developer: BioWare Corporation Title: Jade Empire Players: 1 Platform: Xbox Publisher: Microsoft ×