Taito Legends In Stock In-Store Pickup Only Buy This Product Game Only, 1 in-stock $12.99 Extra Info Peripherals: Standard Controller, Arcade Stick, Memory Unit Box Text: Space Invaders - Jungle Hunt - Bubble Bobble - Operation WolfElevator Action - Phoenix - Zoo Heeper - Battle Shark - Colony 7Continental Circus - Electric Yo-Yo - Volfied - GladiatorThe New Zealand Story - The Ninja Kids - Operation ThunderboltReturn of the Invaders - Tokio - Plump Pop - Rainbow Islands - Tube ItGreat Swordsman - Space Gun - Space Invaders part 2Super Qix - Exzisus - Plotting - Thunderfox - Rastan29 ORIGINAL ARCADE HITS ON ONE COMPILATION Region: United States of America (US) ItemNo: 64066 Genre: Compilation Developer: Atomic Planet Title: Taito Legends Players: 4 Platform: Xbox Publisher: Sega Category: Original Xbox ×