Saints Row (Xbox 360) In Stock In-Store Pickup Only Buy This Product Complete In Box, 2 in-stock $14.99 Game Only, 1 in-stock $14.99 Extra Info Peripherals: Standard Controller, Headset, Xbox Live, System Link Box Text: SAINTS ROW - SINNERS WELCOMEWelcome to Stilwater - an open world city with attitude, a city controlled by rival gangs, a city YOU are about to take over.MAKE MONEY ANY WAY YOU CANThe options are endless; from theft & insurance fraud to street racing & pimping!KEY TO THE CITYGo wherever & do whatever you want, but bring chaos, death & destruction to the streets of Stilwater & the city will fight back!CUSTOMIZATION = STYLE = RESPECTWith your hard earned cash build the respect you need to take over territories from rival gangs.TAKE THE FIGHT ONLINERecruit friends & challenge other gangs online through Xbox Live! Region: United States of America (US) ItemNo: 107883 Genre: Action Developer: Volition, Inc. Title: Saints Row Players: 12 Platform: Xbox 360 Publisher: THQ Category: Xbox 360 ×