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Thief (Xbox 360)

Thief (Xbox 360)

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Garrett, the Master Thief, steps out of the shadows into the City. In this treacherous place, where the Baron's Watch spreads a rising tide of fear and oppression, his skills are the only things he can trust. Even the most cautious citizens and their best- guarded possessions are not safe from his reach.


Garrett, the Master Thief, steps out of the shadows into the City. In this treacherous place, where the Baron's Watch spreads a rising tide of fear and oppression, his skills are the only things he can trust. As an uprising emerges, Garrett finds himself entangled in growing layers of conflict. Lead by Orion, the voice of the people, the tyrannized citizens will do everything they can to claim back the City from the Baron's grasp. The revolution is inevitable. If Garrett doesn't get involved, the streets will run red with blood and the City will tear itself apart.

The Baron's Watch

Darkness and disease have set upon The City, where the Baron rules with an iron fist. The Baron's rules are severe and his punishments unforgiving. The militia is there to make sure of that.

The Graven

Sickness and oppression have robbed the citizens of their freedom, their happiness, and now threatens their very lives. The chains are chafing. Tensions mount. The people turn to anyone who can offer a ray of hope


Well connected to the shadiest of businesses, Basso is the nearest thing Garrett has to a friend. Basso's trusty familiar, Jenivere, is a thieving magpie who makes an apt messenger to Garrett's clock tower hideout.



The bow is perhaps the most vital asset in the Master Thief's arsenal. This composite wonder folds down for stealthier movement.


While an arrow to the knee can cripple, an arrow to the head is often lethal. With the right attachment, arrows can also change the environment in the Master Thief's favor.


Sometimes, the only way around the Baron's Watch is through it. A little smack on the head and it's naptime for any guard.


Rooftops and ledges are the Master Thief's natural habitat. This high-tech grapple makes it easier to reach higher ground.

First I stole to survive
Then I survived to steal
I am one man
I hear your secrets, I see your hidden truths
I am the Shadows, the Dark and Deadly, the Velvet Night...

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Companion App


Thief Companion App

By Square Enix and Eidos-Montreal


Official Companion App to Deliver the Ultimate Thief Experience. Thief Companion App available for all Android Devices.

Learn more about this app.
  • iFruitiFruit
    Thief Home Screen.
  • ChopChop
    Character Bios
  • iFruitiFruit
    Exclusive Videos
  • ChopChop


Game Features

Dolby Digital

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