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My English Coach Para Hispanoparlantes

My English Coach Para Hispanoparlantes

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Learn English in a fun and interactive way! Play a series of mini-games that reinforce the structured lessons, such as vocabulary and language exercises. Learn how to pronounce words and explore interesting and useful information about the U.S.


  • Learn to pronounce English by comparing your voice to a native speaker's: Voice recording and playback feature of the DS allows the player to compare his or her accent (words and phrases) to a native English speaker's.
  • Participate in mini-games that reinforce the lessons featured in the game: 8 mini-games, such as flash cards, whack-a-mole and bridge builder, reinforce lesson plans and the ability to read and speak in English.
  • Use the built-in reference tool to look up useful words and phrases: English Dictionary and phrase book with over 10,000 English words and hundreds of useful phrases.
  • Explore interesting locations and useful information about the U.S.: Lesson plans take place in interesting locations, ranging from Washington, DC, to California, and include useful information for first-time English speakers planning to visit.

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