Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell In Stock In-Store Pickup Only Buy This Product Complete In Box, 1 in-stock $9.99 Game & Box Only, 1 in-stock $9.99 New, 1 in-stock $29.99 Description Ubi Soft's stealth-filled action game is coming to the PlayStation 2 in 2003. Extra Info Peripherals: Standard Controller, Memory Card, Analog Control, Vibration Function, Digital Control Box Text: Console Game of the Yearnow redefined for the Playstation 2 computer entertainment system! You are Sam Fisher.You have the right to spy, steal, destroy and assassinate to ensure that American freedoms are protected. If captured, the U.S government will disavow any knowledge of your existence. You are a Splinter Cell. Playstation 2 NEW FEATURES: 4 exclusive levels of gut-wrenching stealth action. 30 minutes of new cinematics. New intro with original music by the Prague Orchestra. 10 pulse-pounding stealth- action missions from the world of Tom Clancy. Utilize prototype black-ops weaponsand equipment. Featuring Michael Ironside as the voice of Sam Fisher. Extensive behind-the- game DVD features and other surprises. Region: North America ItemNo: SLUS 20652 Genre: Action Developer: Ubisoft Entertainment Title: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Players: 1 Platform: PlayStation 2 Publisher: Ubisoft MSRP: 4.5 Rating: T (ESRB) Release Date: April 8 2003 Category: Playstation 2 (PS2) ×